Algeria - Morocco - Tunisia 1:2.500.000

Artikelnummer: 9789638680815


Gizi Map (Geographical Edition)

Kategorie: Karten

12,50 €

inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard: 3,00 EUR)

Lieferzeit: 3 - 4 Werktage

Gizi Map - Straßenkarte (Algerien, Marokko, Tunesien)
Edition: Geographical Map

Algeria - Morocco - Tunisia

  • Scale 1 : 2 500 000
  • folded Map
  • with Index
  • Relief with elevation tints

A detailed general map with relief depicted by vivid elevation tinting. The map is indexed and selected location names are written in Arabic as well as standard roman text. Coverage includes neighbouring Tunisia and most of Morocco. Terrain features such as sand deserts, stone deserts, salt flats, water holes and swamps are distinguished, and selected peak heights are indicated. Bathymetric tinting is also applied.

Several categories of roads are distinguished, including selected tracks, with intermediate driving distances marked on many routes. Railways, oil and gas piplines, and administrative boundaries are drawn and symbols denote oil and gas production sites, airports, ports, places of worship, campsites, hostels, beach resorts, oases, lighthouses, forts, museums, UNESCO sites and other antiquities and sites of interest. Lines of latitude and longitude are drawn at 1° intervals. The multilingual legend includes English and Arabic.

This map differs from the Algeria (Road edition) by the same publisher in the depiction of the relief, otherwise the detail is the same.

Auch als Planokarte erhältlich (Link)

Auflage 2010

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