No. 190 - Bude & Clovelly 1:50.000

Artikelnummer: 9780319262887

OS Landranger Map

Kategorie: OS Landranger Map (GB)

19,90 €

inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard: 3,00 EUR)

Lieferzeit: 3 - 4 Werktage

Ordnance Survey - Wanderkarte (Großbritannien)
Series: OS Landranger Map (Sheet No. 190)

Bude & Clovelly
Boscastle & Holsworthy

  • Scale 1 : 50 000
  • folded Map

Jacket Copy:
The OS Landranger Map is the ideal map for planning the perfect day out. This best known national maps series provides all the information you need to really get to know an area, whether you are a visitor or a local resident.

The 204 maps on the OS Landranger Maps series cover the whole Great Britain in 40km by 40km (25 miles by 25 miles) sheets. All are packet with accurate and informative detail from visitor attractions to highways and byways. The countryside, towns and cities of Great Britain are all there at a glance, just waiting to be explored.

The well-known format of OS Landranger Map provides the user with the most consistent depiction of Great Britain. Its detailed specification shows the face of the land from the highest peaks to the largest cities. OS Landranger Map is your passport to town and country. 

These maps also show:

  • Tourist information
  • Camping and caravan sites
  • Picnic areas and viewpoints
  • Selected places of interest
  • Rights-of-way information for England and Wales.

ISBN-13: 978-0-319-26288-7 (9780319262887)