10.29 Sikinos 1:25.000

Artikelnummer: 9789608195516

Topographische Wanderkarte

Kategorie: Anavasi

9,90 €

inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard: 3,00 EUR)

Lieferzeit: 3 - 4 Werktage

Anavasi Topo - Wanderkarte (Griechenland: Südliche Ägäis)
Topo 25 (Blatt Nr. 10.29)


  • Maßstab 1 : 25 000
  • gefaltete Karte
  • 2-sprachig griechisch/englisch
  • Legende: griechisch, englisch, französisch, deutsch
  • wasserfestes Papier
  • GPS kompatibel

Sikinos resembles a minimalist canvas composed of few but authentic elements. With the exception of the old cobblestone path from the harbour to Chora, of which only less than jalf remains, the rest of the network of footpaths is intact - although somewhat neglected.

Sikinos is one of the lesser known and less touristic Cycladic islands. It is a minimalist canvas with scarce but authentic elements, a truly austere landscape where signs of a just abandoned primitive production system are slowly written out.

Anavasi has depicted on the map almost all of the island's main trails and a few small ones that are useful as links.

Ausgabe 2009

ISBN-13: 978-960-8195-51-6 (9789608195516)