Bangladesh & India East 1:750.000 / 1:1.500.000

Artikelnummer: 9781553411420


Kategorie: Karten

12,90 €

inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard: 3,00 EUR)

Lieferzeit: 3 - 4 Werktage

ITMB Publishing Ltd. - Straßenkarte (Bangladesch, Indien)
International Travel Maps

Bangladesh & India East

  • Maßstab 1 : 750 000 / 1 : 1,5 Mio
  • gefaltete Karte (doppelseitig)
  • Sprachausgabe: englisch

Description by ITMB: I like Bangladesh. Sure, the government is too corrupt and the country gets schmucked every time there’s a hurricane, but the people are friendly and hard-working and gradually improving their country. As a travel destination, Bangladesh has to be considered as part of a trip to India for most people, so in addition to updating and modernizing our artwork, we have added a map of the easternmost portion of India, showing access routes and sites of interest in both countries. One of the great treats of Bangladesh is to take a ferry from Dhaka to Khulna, a two-day trip. The map also includes an inset of Dhaka, the capital, although we had to show only a few of the thousands of mosques in the city.

Ausgabe 2013