Bhutan & Northern India 1:1,300 000/ 1 : 350 000

Artikelnummer: 9781771290845


Kategorie: Karten

12,90 €

inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard: 3,00 EUR)

Lieferzeit: 3 - 4 Werktage

ITMB - Landkarte/Straßenkarte (Bhutan, Indien)
International Travel Maps

Bhutan & Northern India Travel Reference Map

Kolkata, Thimpu, Paro

  • Maßstab 1 : 1,300 000/ 1 : 350 000
  • gefaltete Karte (doppelseitig)
  • Sprachausgabe: englisch

Description by ITMB: Bhutan is a beautiful mountainous country, squeezed between India and China. It is not a part of the world experiencing significant change, and this version is pretty much the same as our previous one, although updated with minor changes.I recommend selling out of your existing inventory before re-ordering. Printed on paper, double-sided, with Northern India on the other side.