India 1:2.100.000

Artikelnummer: 9781771293631

ITMB Travel Reference Map

Kategorie: Karten

12,95 €

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Lieferzeit: 3 - 4 Werktage

International Travel Maps - Straßenkarte (Indien)

India Travel Reference Map

  • Scale: 1 : 2 100 000
  • folded Map (waterproof)

Description by ITMB: India is a vast country, and one of increasing touristic importance. We visited part of the country in 2018 and have a better understanding of the nature of the country as a result. India is modernizing, like China, but is considerably behind in the provision of modern services. However, the air network is excellent, as is the train service, and the road network is extensive and constantly being improved. Western-style hotels are commonplace, and it is a safe country for travel as long as one doesn't drink the local water. The attractions are too numerous to mention, but include enormous temple complexes, historic sites, beautiful architecture, protected game preserves, beach resorts, and lots and lots of people. India's popularity with visitors is growing rapidly, and we are pleased that our new map will assist that growth. ITMB also publishes maps of sections of India, along with detailed maps of Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai.

Legend Includes:
Motorway, Major Highway, Main Road, Other Road, Railway, Ferry Route, Urban Area, Capital, Big City, Town, Village, International Boundary, State Boundary, River and Lake, International Airport, Domestic Airport, Resort, Church, Buddhist Temple, Hindu Temple, Sikh Temple, Jain Temple, Museum, Cave, Skiing, Zoo etc.

Edition 2018

ISBN-13: 978-1-7712-9363-1 (9781771293631)