China 1:4 Mill.

Artikelnummer: 9781771291750

International Travel Maps - Straßenkarte

Kategorie: Karten

12,90 €

inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard: 3,00 EUR)

Lieferzeit: 3 - 4 Werktage

ITMB International Travel Maps - Straßenkarte (China)

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou

  • Maßstab 1 : 4 Mio 
  • gefaltete Karte (wasserfest)
  • Sprachausgabe: englisch

Description by ITMB: China is the third largest country on earth and is changing rapidly from a 'peasant' society into an urban society of growing sophistication. This country must be the Number 1 travel destination in Asia. Culturally significant, developing rapidly, open to Tourism as never before, China is a very difficult country to map. We do so every two years, to bring recent changes into perpective. This edition is very timely, in that many of the massive highway-building exercises have been completed.

The map also includes good inset maps of the three largest cities - Beijing, Shangai, and Guangzou.

Auflage 2024


ISBN-13: 978-1-77129-155-2 (9781771291552)